Teens across the country defend their vaping habit with a simple statement: “it’s safer than smoking!” But with no longterm research, it’s safe to say that while it might be safer than smoking, that doesn’t mean it’s safe.

But rather than sound like another horde of naggy adults using scare tactics to discourage teens from vaping, we made a wild, weird campaign full of boat horns, pool farts, and puppet vomit.

An unsettling amount of people now yell boat horn sound effects in my face when they find out I made this.

Turns out funeral selfies are actually a thing. Click the link at your own risk.

Taking on a topic as beloved as vaping, we knew we’d raise the ire of the trolls. So we came in locked and loaded with some puppety clapbacks.

Just in case you can’t get enough of puppets, here’s charmingly stupid and endearing blooper reel.