Twinkle Twinkle Little Dick
Everyone knows smoking leads to cancer, but most have no idea it also causes erectile dysfunction. So truth set out to save boners everywhere with a woeful tale about a reluctant star named Dick.
Through a dysfunctional journey, our hero helps us understand the hard facts no lover wants to face — just when things may be looking up, smoking lets you down.
Our work made waves—there was even a petition to have it removed from TV, a personal career highlight.
Better Butts
From squishy tushies to chiseled cheeks, the world is full of all kinds of butts. But no matter what kind of butt you’ve got, it’s definitely better than cigarette butts, which are the most littered item in the world. So for Earth Day 2018, truth set out to educate people about the environmental impacts of smoking with an original rap and bootylicious animation.
Animation Credit: Slim Jim Studios