I like attacking mountains with my feet.

I’ve been “creative” since the beginning.

Some fun facts about me:

  • I run a one-woman creative studio that publishes zines and makes magical and mischievous goodies—check out A Little Haunting.

  • I’ve lived in all four corners of the US, and am now based in Amsterdam, NL.

  • I have a frustratingly good sense of smell.

  • I couldn’t decide between law school and medical school, so I went to art school.

  • I spend a lot of time thinking about fantasy, existentialism, and puppets. 

  • My spirit animal is cross between Stevie Nicks and Larry David.

  • I can identify the breed of almost any dog. Even mutts.

  • Some of my favorite activities are taking on too many side-projects, reading indie comics, nerding out on philosophy, printmaking, shooting film photography, snow skiing, eating as many noodles as my little body can hold, badly belting pop-punk classics (it’s not a phase, mom), and trying to convince other grownups to watch Adventure Time.

    Oh, and advertising. I like doing that too.
    Especially when in involves making cool shit.